My Race: Coast to Coast, Part 3

Here’s Part 2.

6) Are your most meaningful relationships with people of your own ethnicity?

No. From my 20s on, some of my closest friendships have been with white and black Americans. The only other Korean-American coworker I’ve mentioned could not have been more different from me in values and lifestyle. She came from more money and attracted a white crowd. Incidentally, she married Jewish.

7) How much does racial affinity give you a sense of belonging compared to a shared faith or interest? Think about the groups you are part of: writers, homeschoolers, mothers, hobbyist, artists, colleagues, church. Would you rather spend time with those who share your cultural food, tradition, and values or those who share your interest or mission? Where do you feel the greatest ease and connection?

Christians define themselves by their faith. Hence the term born again. Because the Christian journey is really a new life, believers share a depth of intimacy and understanding that supersedes race, language, class. But I enjoy an ease with white Christians that I swear is missing in the Korean-American culture, even with those of my faith. Though I was conscious that my family was a slim minority in the two fairly white Christian homeschool groups we joined last year, I have never felt self-conscious. Our son plays well with a Caucasian classmate; they whack each other with swords like brothers. We were bemused last year to find that our little man also happened to gravitate to blondes in their tweens. I enjoy the most ready connections with people who share my values, which include lifestyle, faith, and all that goes into child nurture. So racial ties do not determine my social network as they did before my working years.

8) Do you consciously try to keep yourself or your family active in diverse circles?

It is not a strained effort but yes, I do. I find myself wondering, though, how many whites share this mindfulness.

9) Optional. Children seem color-blind. How have you explained color and culture to your children or grandchildren as they got older? Did you ever have to handle a situation where they were a victim of racial slight or slur?

The challenge of explaining race hit me when my son was about four. I was elaborating on the slavery we had just read about. We also had a new blended family on our colorful block, an African-American man with a white woman and her two kids. I think I’m the one who put black and Korean on the radar of a child who never seemed to notice color in himself or others. I almost regretted bringing up the categories at his age. We have not had to deal with any racial insult. I am not sure if we can attribute this to our fairly well-to-do neighborhood (that is, class) or the fact that we are not with the public schools.

10) How did you set out to secure a sense of acceptance and belonging in social contexts, especially if you have faced hurtful experiences?

I’ve always been told I was noticeably unique, even among Korean-Americans. You love me or hate me. I’m Pistachio ice cream, not Vanilla. The contrast that called for a vote for or against me has softened over time but I always embraced my individuality. Being different doesn’t mean you have to feel alone. What kept me rooted? I was told even as a kid that I carried myself well. I think the confidence that has not easily shaken stemmed from the unfailing faith my mother expressed in me ever since I can remember.

My values, perspective, even personality also did a 180 when I really understood the gospel of Jesus at 17. Through the many challenges I went on to face in the years ahead, I’ve remained secure in who I am knowing Whose I am. Christians often give pat answers. In this discussion, some would say their identity as a child of God is the source of all assurance and self-definition. God indeed has been my deepest anchor but to say He is all that matters in contexts like this discussion bores me. Faith doesn’t nullify the importance of ethnicity, upbringing, or the many factors that shape us. It so happens that biologically I am a Korean daughter of God. As such I can learn from others outside my race. Thinking in platitudes doesn’t do justice to the richness of God’s designs. It is my God who gives meaning to all aspects of my life. He cares to redeem them, make them all beautiful. Interestingly, we are said to be adopted by the Father – one big multiracial family. And behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne…Revelations 7:9

11) Do you feel it is not fully possible or even imperative to shed all racial stereotypes and judgments?

Every culture offers its own hue, rhythm, voice. You could not confuse Brazilian women with Korean, as a group. The first are more vocal, even physical. My husband has seen Brazilian women fight tooth and nail, stew, then kiss-kiss on the cheek and make up. Korean women don’t put the dukes out on each other but will hold onto the enmity. The air is different in each company. The problem arises when we make value judgments on the differences. One’s strength is one’s weakness, and this duality holds for groups as it does for individuals. It hit me as I worked through this post that the Korean preference for like company is actually an extension of the fierce loyalty that’s part of the culture. All traditions, in their imperfections, hold out qualities worthy of respect.

12) What has struck you the most in working through this exercise? Any closing thoughts on race and identity you would like to share?

I was surprised at the internal resistance to writing my story. First off, my life was all I’d known, that it didn’t feel special. It was my normal. Knowing many in my community with similar experiences heightened the sense that I had nothing really unique to share. Secondly, this was the first time I’ve explored when and how I have navigated social streams, which communities I have sought, which have embraced me. I was split in the culture I aligned myself with as I wrote. In speaking of Americans and Koreans, I wasn’t sure when to use our or their. A thought also struck yesterday. Did I shy in sharing because the Korean culture seemed to bear less weight on the global platform than the African-American drama that has achieved validation in the history books and media? Have my own perceptions been influenced? Finally, my story was difficult to write for feeling bared. I’d just finished saying I give you my all on this blog. I was speaking as an artist. Here, I’d shown you into the rooms of my past as a human being.

The gestures of intolerance or bigotry leveled against me were mild compared to the ugliness many have known. And it is the pioneer generation that breaks through the gates of a culture that has it the worst. My parents lived the friction everyday. My mother was spit on by a customer in the delicatessen she owned. I remember how it pained me, a kid. But my parents were not faultless. All groups harbor distrust of foreigners.

President Lyndon B. Johnson’s remarks at the signing of the Immigration Bill on Liberty Island, New York seem fitting here. October 3, 1965:

And this measure that we will sign today will really make us truer to ourselves both as a country and as a people. It will strengthen us in a hundred unseen ways. This is a simple test, and it is a fair test. Those who can contribute most to this country – to its growth, to its strength, to its spirit – will be the first that are admitted to this land.

Our beautiful America was built by a nation of strangers. From a hundred different places or more they have poured forth into an empty land, joining and blending in one mighty and irresistible tide. The land flourished because it was fed from so many sources – because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions and peoples.

80 thoughts on “My Race: Coast to Coast, Part 3

  1. Thanks Diana, I appreciate your willingness to explore what can be a touchy topic. And more so, I appreciate you revealing more of yourself. The personal and differences, (whether race, country, personality, religion) are what make people interesting to me. Yet, beyond the differences, the universal struggles we all have to love, connect, belong and contribute are what hopefully unite us. They do for me. blessings, Brad

  2. “I’d just finished saying I give you my all on this blog. I was speaking as an artist. Here, I’d shown you into the rooms of my past as a human being.”
    This is so evident. It is appreciated for its honesty (and courage).

    I cannot speak to issues of ‘faith’, in the sense of religion, as I have none.
    But, I can thank you for your reference to LBJ, a president that (in faith) as the decades pass, will be more and more painted in a favorable light.
    Which his memory deserves.
    Thank you HW for sharing more of HW.

  3. Thank you for showing us the rooms of your past. You said that since your experience is all you have known, it was your normal. That is so true of each one of us….but traveling the rooms of each other’s ‘normal’ can shed so much light on issues of race, culture, and humanity. We can all become better by actively seeking to understand another person’s ‘normal.’ Thank you for sharing 🙂

  4. I again sit in admiration of your written thought, Diana. “Thinking in platitudes doesn’t do justice to the richness of God’s designs.” What need have I to speak in the presence of such eloquence?

  5. I really enjoyed this wonderful read. I have never heard anything better said to describe America than what you said in the last paragraph. You are a beautiful and loving soul. Hugs

  6. “But to say that He is all that matters in contexts like ours bores me,”. I couldn’t agree more.The beauty of creation lay in its specificity and variety, I say the more difference the merrier. All the same there are moments when familiarity is important too.

  7. “Our beautiful America was built by a nation of strangers. From a hundred different places or more they have poured forth into an empty land, joining and blending in one mighty and irresistible tide. The land flourished because it was fed from so many sources – because it was nourished by so many cultures and traditions and peoples.”

    – I have a big problem with the “empty land” part of that quote for reasons I am certain you are aware of, but the sentiment towards those who have come to settle in these lands is admirable.

    • Actually, I wanted to address that, Vic. I was keenly aware of the inaccuracy. But again felt I was really pushing the word limit on my gracious readers. I also have acknowledged the injustice you’re referring to in old posts, though my new readers did not get to it, both on behalf of Native Indians and African-Americans.

      The context of the speech was the ban that it was lifting (apologetically) and (a comparison of) the diversity America had built herself upon, on the global ring of countries. Thanks for trying to stay even-keeled on what bothered you. All perspectives always welcome. And I’m glad you noted this for me, save me post space.

      • Space limitations will always have an impact on the degree to which we are able to exhaust everything we would like to say on a subject, and I was certain that were aware of the issue I mentioned although I understood why it may have been difficult to address it in this context in addition to the other issues you responded to.
        I found your post very thoughtful and very much you.

      • Gracious of you, V. And you had given me more than the benefit of the doubt. The inequity you pointed out struck me right away when I pulled up the speech. And of cOurse every word matters, esp in a historical speech. But for the errant – even insensitive – word LJB used in that moment, we can step back and see in the context of the post that his blip was one thing, but the bill being passed was another. The bill that would change the face of America and nations, and lives like my own, was the point of the post. Funny thing. Right after I replied to you, I saw a blogger with Hiawatha in her username had started following. Go figure.

        As to the post being very much me, well that’s exactly why I was tempted to self-coNscioUsness ha ha ha. Wasn’t very comfortable throwing open those doors into Diana but hey, I felt I should answer the questions I posed my readers. =)

        Thanks for your time, V. Really.

  8. I was raised in a Christian home, and from the earliest age it was instilled into us that we were all descended from the same original parents and regardless of colour and nation we have the same hopes and aspirations. In essence we are related. Now I don’t minimize culture and folkway differences but I’ve discovered these can be dealt with if you are willing to respect and understand these. We have a wide circle of friends around the world from different nationalities.

    • I just love your first sentence, Ian. And so naturally, the rest. I know that the wide circle of friends you have not only has enriched your life but afforded your friends the chance to be blessed by one humble, bright man. =) So good to be knowing you better on the journey you’ve kept up with so faithfully. Thanks.

  9. Diana, what a wonderful blog you have here!!

    I came here to personally thank you for being a part of Petals Unfolding. It really meant a lot to me. Blessings!
    (((HUGS)), Amy

      • Diana, thank you. I have only a certain amount of time on here and with technology I am very limited. I don’t have Twitter, I do have facebook, and I won’t use google+ because it shows all my photos in my camera roll. That shocked me, so I turned google+ off. I am just doing what I am, going to blogs personally thanking people, going to blogs from people who come to see me … and then the search engines, which is not a whole lot, but it is something. I do my best, and that is all I can ask of myself. Every Blessing! Love, Amy

  10. Well, Ms. Pistachio ice cream, you wrapped your series up with a bang. I’ve enjoyed getting to know you on another level. The impact of nature and nurture on who we are, who I am, has always fascinated me. The fact that people are so different creates problems, yes, but it is also what makes this world so fascinating and wonderful. Thanks for the insights. –Curt

    • I know you’re a walking treasure of wisdom from the incredible journey of yours, C, that has taken you around the globe. And yet you remain so modest and unassuming. As to getting to know me, I’ve been grateful you have cared to.

      *Hand pat*


  11. Diana, I especially liked #17. I find your honesty so refreshing. In understanding where we’ve come from I think it helps us with where we’re going. Recently I came to understand something important about my childhood that has helped me feel and be more free with my creativity. ✰

    Blessings ~ Wendy

    • You meant #7 about faith and identity, Wendy? Questions didn’t run past #12. =) The only 17 I mentioned was the age I became a believer. I am so happy to hear that understanding that piece of your past helped unlock something meaningful in you. You’ve piqued my curiosity LOL. I really appreciate the read.

      Keep up the beautiful blogging. I’ll be back when I can. Been swamped.

      Xxx (and YOU bless me),

  12. Oops! #10 – “Christians often give pat answers… Faith doesn’t nullify the importance of ethnicity, upbringing, or the many factors that shape us.” Sorry I quoted the number wrong – I was referring to #10. I found your words so refreshing. Too often in the church people are told in so many words to get over it and move on. It helps people to move on once they’ve gained an understanding of both the strengths and weaknesses of their life experiences. With this healing they can go on to encourage others who have also been in a similar situation. ❀

  13. Diana, this topic is clearly so close to you and one that you bring a lot of insights too. Makes me think about how in America, my race is something I think about unlike in the Philippines, where I am from, it is a non-issue.

    About 15 years ago I was living in Georgia back then there was not a lot of diversity. It was mostly black and white. Strangely, I felt like my ethnic background came up more in California where diversity is something a lot of people talk about. I wondered, is it a non-issue in Georgia because demographically I don’t really exist? Why do I feel like it’s such an issue on the West Coat where diversity is embraced?

    Thanks for sharing so fiercely and genuinely.

    • Whom did you spend more time with in Georgia and CA and in what context/how did it come up in CA? Which part of CA? Very interesting. Back then there was a Korean constituent in GA which is sizeable now (Gotta jet, get the little man ready for bed). I am not sure about the K vs. Korean-Am breakdown but I believe there are more K-Ams now.

      • I lived in GA for five years right after college in the 90’s when working w/ CNN. Ca. I was a student at Berkeley and lived there for five years when we first migrated to the US. Yes, definitely more Asians in general and other ethnicities in Hotlanta.

      • It is neat to know more of your bio, Diahann. You’d mentioned America as though it were familiar terrain some posts back but I hadn’t realized…

        I went to Univ of PA just a few yrs behind you and stayed in the area when you were in GA. I later visited Berkeley.

        What a great question, if ethnicity were less an issue in GA bc you “didn’t exist” as a demographic. You’re making me think. Well, the west has a longer history of migrants (Hawaii and CA) and it’s a place where the underdog has gained a voice.

        Thanks for the rich feedback, D.

      • Ca is definitely very different now from it was when we were in college even. Or middle school. I remember being one of 3 Filipinos in school. And yes, overall more integrate than two decades ago.

    • Thanks for the word of encouragement, Connie. We had talked about the Praise, Smarts, and Myth of Self-Esteem post here last year. You’d left such thoughtful feedback I wanted to pop in again.


  14. I really affirm the answer you give on question 10 second paragraph. “Faith doesn’t nullify the importance of ethnicity, upbringing, or the many factors that shape us. It so happens that biologically I am a Korean daughter of God. As such I can learn from others outside my race.” I know I gave a more pat answer here, now I wish I could go back and get more depthful, but sometimes the first thought is the best. So I will leave my answer as is. This is a great look into you D, I hope to get to meet you in person one day soon!!!! S.

  15. Hi Diana. Phew! What a great post. I especially love, but loved what you wrote in number 10. I share your aversion for ‘pat answers and platitudes’.
    “Faith doesn’t nullify the importance of ethnicity, upbringing, or the many factors that shape us.”
    –I completely agree. I grew up in a non-Christian home, with a verbally abusive alcoholic father that I lived in constant fear of. My childhood experiences shaped me into a person that I wasn’t proud to be in my past. And when I became a Christian, I wasn’t all-of-a-sudden a changed person, with a new set of values and character. It was a grueling, uphill hike (not walk) I was on to changing certain mind-sets and lies that I was believing in or that had become a part of me. Now that I’ve come to a point where I can securely say that I am a lot more free than I used to be and content in who I am as a person, woman, mother, missionary and Canadian living in Brazil, I can say that I find my “identity as a child of God as the source of all assurance and self-definition.” However, that doesn’t change certain things that are in me because of my ‘cultural’ upbringing. Even though I lived and grew up in a very multi-cultural area (my high school being 80 % Asian), after traveling to and living in various places of the world and living in Brazil, there are things embedded in me that come from my Canadian culture. Issues and beliefs of what is respectful and what is not, what is healthy to eat and what is not, feeling that comes through words in one language that you can’t get in the other, what’s socially acceptable and what is not. I know I’m going on and on but this is a topic that I find interesting. The topic of culture. And man, you are so right on with this. Just because I’m a Christian doesn’t mean that my way of life, being, thoughts on relative or subjective issues is the same as the Suruwaha tribal people of Northern Brazil (the don’t wear clothes because if you do it means you have something to hide and you can’t be trusted. They don’t recognize people by their faces, but by their butts – at least this is what I’ve been told). I’m not about to feel comfortable going into tribe absolutely naked. No way. No how. However, if I want to develop a relationship of trust with them, have companionship with them, have my voice heard by them, I better suck it up and take off all my clothes, paint parts of my body red and start to recognize people by what their butt looks like, because, if not, they won’t take me for real. They won’t take me seriously. They won’t trust me. But it doesn’t change the fact that I would feel so totally awkward. I could go on and on with this, just from my own personal experiences, but I can see that I’ve already rambled a good amount. Let’s leave it at that.
    Thanks again for a great post Diana.
    Oh yes, just quickly, I also wanted to briefly (i promise) comment on this: “Thinking in platitudes doesn’t do justice to the richness of God’s designs.”
    –Our God is so tremendously creative. I don’t think it is in His nature to be stale and boring. He delights the richness and variety that He brings to each culture. And each and every culture, and their aspects, can be redeemed by Him and for Him. (spoken like a true ywamer 🙂
    Blessings –Staci

    • Well, Stace, looks like you contributed to the series. Love your post. =) I appreciate the glimpse into your difficult childhood and how you go on to show the grueling work of transformation. I also celebrate the bEAUtiful person that has been reborn of the ashes.

      Yes, our culture and all the experiences that have shaped us absolutely matter in His design. They are the very fabric of the colorful tapestry from which we see the gorgeous picture. You said it: He most certainly is not boring! And so neither is our journey. The rest of creation also reveals the splendor and richness of His creativity. All the textures, colors, types of matter, energy out of which He built LIFE on sea and land. Such is the richness of our very lives.

      This is another post in itself so I held back for the word count, but the different cultures also image Him in their own way. Reflect different parts of His character and beauty.

      Thanks for your piece in this mosaic, Staci. Hey, feel free to take chunks of your thoughts here and post on your board. I’ve encouraged a number of readers to do that with their amazing comments this year — and they have. =)

      Love it.

  16. I have been pondering as I may have mentioned on the many different ways we navigate our world and yet how many of those ways are to to achieve the same thing. A sense of home, of safety and of self. A world where we are valued for who we are and those values we can give to our children. To respect difference, be curious not unkind and to understand that each and everyone of us has a place in this world. To be proud of our history but not intolerant of anothers, to respect your faith but not deride those who don’t practice as you.

    I think before reading this and filling in my own questionnaire I would have said it is important to look beyond the surface but now I realise I was really saying to ignore what looked different and searching for what seemed familiar. That isn’t how life should be, we should revel in every colour and creed, seek to find what binds and what divides. Know always that we are all part of a whole and greater than anything we could ever understand and to seek to reduce everyone to some homogenized PC version of humanity would be a loss of a cataclysmic scale.

    Thank you for the opportunity to look into your life and I appreciate the reluctance you felt in when you started writing your “Race” but I wanted to thank you as I think I have learnt something I should have figured out quite awhile ago.

    • Getting chills.
      Every bit of this is just beautiful, Jenni. And I’m honored it came from reading my story.

      My fav, though that was a bit hard to pick out:

      “I would have said it is important to look beyond the surface but now I realise I was really saying to ignore what looked different and searching for what seemed familiar.”

      We shift in our seats, don’t we? Gets a bit uncomfortable choosing to look at, really see, our differences. But that is how we get to not only understand our neighbor but know our own self more fully.

      I am so blessed by your kindness and dedicated reading. Thank you.


  17. Very much like what you say about the USA… It is made up of almost every culture in the world, so while I do agree when people say that there is not a specific ‘American Culture’ beyond what is happening today, I say that because the USA is made up of many cultures, and thus difficult to define. Especially, as “we” do not cling to the past much, perhaps because we have so much perceived freedom to pursue. Cheers!

    • “Especially, as “we” do not cling to the past much, perhaps because we have so much perceived freedom to pursue.”

      Interesting insight, Randall. I embrace your perspective for your rich experiences abroad.

      And yes, America IS difficult to define. =)

  18. Hi Diana. I enjoyed your post immensely. It is one of the best and most honest posts I have ever read. You address the cultural issues and your experiences with tact, integrity and openness. I thank you for your trust in allowing us to understand you better. I am honored.

    There is one aspect of your post that I did not see addressed in your readers’ comments, although you, yourself mentioned it a few times: Socio-economic status. I trucked in the US for many years and my experience on a grass roots level (warehouses, truckstops, factory floors, farms, etc.) is that race/culture is a much more polarizing issue amongst the lower class. And also in various regions – i.e. the Bible Belt (the racial hatred there is palpable especially amongst the poor). Gangs in inner cities are often divided along racial lines. If a black business man and a white business man, dressed in expensive suits were walking down the street with their briefcases, most people would see two businessmen. If a black warehouse worker and a white warehouse worker were walking down the same street, in steel toed boots, most people would see a black man and a white man.

    My point is that money seems to play a large role in the integration and acceptance of race and culture. My question would be: What are your experiences with the effects of differing economic strata on the response of others to you?

    Thank You again for your openness and honesty – it truly has been inspirational (I think I may have used that word to describe your posts before – it’s not accidental).

    • Getting chills (you may have given mE these before!)

      “race/culture is a much more polarizing issue amongst the lower class” and your elaboration are extremely interesting.

      Actually, your keen, conscientious reading tapped what I discovered in the writing of my story. In Part 2, language and class (tied to $) surfaced. I didn’t want the post running any longer so I saved the issue of class for Part 3. I don’t want to weary (other) =) readers with a Part 4 so I’ll be talking about language and ethnic differences later.

      Simply put, Paul, race does not stand alone as a cultural question, as you’re saying. It is one facet. But I had to offer a focused question for an open forum so we don’t go running amuck. The heart of this project is an exploration on the universal need to belong in community – and more personally – how we seek our roots when we find ourselves an outsider. I’m toying with the idea of exploring the broader question of feeling excluded after the RACE.

      You are the one to honor me with your dedicated, vested reading, Paul. Hearty support like yours leaves me without words – but a humble thank you.


      • Thank you for your thoughful response and the compliments. The “melting pot” philosophy that America pursues wrt race/cultures works spottily (as do all other cultural integration poilices). I find that the higher the the economic class, the better it functions – to the point where varying cultures in the highest economic strata (love that word) actually appear to be cherished. AS the scale slides down to the lower classes, the divide widens (in my experience). Bloggers (again in my experience) seem to be primarily middle class (on a Bell Curve, of course) and hence a discussion of personal experiences, while varying, will remain witnin a certain range. As a Korean, I am sure you have observed how those of lower clases in your culture/race are treated around you and have given some thought to that. I undersatnd fully that the topic is huge and that no post could ever cover the whole spectrum and that you have taken as large a view as is possible at a given time. And you have done an exemplary job of that. Given your detailed descriptions, it occurred to me that you likely have thoughts on the economic effects also and hence my question. Thanks for your kindness in considering my questions!

      • Really interesting aspect you brought to light, Paul. So there’s more fuel for racism among the poor? My parents have struggled all their life – never “made it” – the American Dream has remained a dream so I’m well familiar with life in the lower rung.

        Then money is the great equalizer? I think I’ll save my thoughts for a post.

        Thanks so much.


      • In a way I suppose it is the great equalizer. Unfortunately I suspect it is as Genesis 11:1-9, the Tower of Babel, decribes. In fact, given the way history tends to repeat itself, it wouldn’t surprise me that “language” is a metaphor for “money”.

  19. My growing up from a racial perspective was funny because I wasn’t able to blend with the Whites in my primary school, thus, my best friends (literally) were Italians and Blacks/African-American. Now in high school and church my best friends (generally) were Whites. As a result I was labeled, “Coconut,” and have braved this part of me ever since. I’m drawn more towards the Caucasians, South- Americans and Asians as far as the opposite sex is concerned. I connect completely well with Americans (as compared to other ethnicities) in that regard. I honestly do not know why. I’m an African with an American accent.

    Then from a cultural perspective, it’s crazy. Your stepmom is to be acknowledged as your mom simply because she is your father’s wife. I kept to that until I traveled abroad where stepmothers were addressed by thier names. Made perfect sense! Culture shock, eyes opened! The idea of having two mothers did not sit well with me. In my culture I am to address you as either Mrs (surname) or Aunt Diana, but when you’ve lived in a culture where people tend to say, “Don’t call me that”. That is my story.

    • Huh. It’s like your brain was halved and you found yourself straddling two ways of communicating – and thinking. Coconut. Interesting. It’s TWINKIE with Asian-Americans (white inside). The cultures we’re drawn to in the opposite sex is very telling indeed.

      The two-mom thing IS nuts. (And please use another name for illustration. Don’t call me AunT. Yikes, I feel jurassic.)


      • Hehe, sorry my mind does go off in different directions some times. Twinkie. To be honest I never thought such a thing existed anywhere outside Africa, perhaps it’s because I’ve never met anyone else in my position. Lol that is funny. You hate being called, “Aunt,” and I hate being called, “Uncle.” For me it’s general disinterest with such a term.

    • =) I’m not sure I would redo the series, even a variation. I don’t want to tire readers. But you’re right on, Ben. I saw the big role class played. Did you chk out Paul’s amazing contributions on this, in the comments? He doesn’t have a blog, though he really should, but leaves me these gems of his. He is really something. A heads-up: I saw language and class double- (or triple-) dutched with race, but this project is big enough as it is, that I have saved my elaborations on those aspects for a separate post to come. =) Good eye.

      • I think Paul makes a good point. I’ve been all over the economic scale and it’s shocking how big a difference money makes in social perceptions. I’ve been poor enough to need to steal clothes from locker rooms and rich enough to get a motorcycle for Christmas and – from a social perception standpoint, that was the difference between being automatically thought of as a good person and automatically thought of as a scumbag.

        I wonder how much of that is because the US doesn’t have much social mobility (and thus very few people who know what it’s like to gain or lose social standing) and how much is simply human nature, but I don’t see it as much in Korea.

      • Omg, Ben. A post! You have the core of a post. I’ve flagged this comment for the future, in case I refer readers to you for it.

        Please clarify. US is the one nation that does offer social mobility, I have thought. More opportunities here than anywhere else, not to ignore the poor we have in this country. And yes, you bring up something I was alluding to in response to Navigator’s amazing last comment under Part 5. Human nature.

  20. Reblogged this on 2l2phant and commented:
    *****The whole cathedral stands and applauds*****

    C’est tres magnifique!


  21. Diana, I can’t believe I’m only just getting to this now. Thank you for being so willing to reveal who you are in your words and your experiences here.

    All our experiences help to refine us into the people we are today. Yet, we all have a lens through which we see those experiences. As women of faith, it is uplifting that we see them through His eyes – the eyes of love and grace. I know that’s true, because eight years ago, I was not a believer. It was only after I walked into His arms my vision changed. My spirit feels the same vision in you – it doesn’t come from the eyes but from the heart, and you express it beautifully.

    • “I know that’s true, because eight years ago, I was not a believer. It was only after I walked into His arms my vision changed. My spirit feels the same vision in you –”

      Dang it, chills again. Y’all keep giving me chills. I need to keep a blanket or throw on this computer chair.

      Love the picture of your walking into His arms.

      Eph 1.18: I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people,

      (More chills. Only now am I seeing the second part, the glorious inheritance among the multitudes, the family of God we were purchased into by His blood.)

  22. Pingback: My Race: Coast to Coast, Part 2 | A Holistic Journey

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