The Boy Who Never Had Ice Cream

Correct, he’s never had it. Even here, it’s pseudo cream – really just cold, sweetened coconut milk. But I can live with his record broken at six years, four months. Tennyson has never been given candy, chocolate, jelly beans. You get the picture. Sugar weakens the immune system and feeds pathogens. Food so cold not only shocks the stomach but dampens the body, making it a lovely greenhouse for microbes.

Here is something you don’t come across everyday. From Food is Your Best Medicine by Henry Bieler, M.D. who practiced in California and treated patients only with food:

“One of the common sources of the diffusible toxin is ice cream – which is a highly putrefactive protein mixture, whether it be the best “homemade” or the crude commercial type, rich in emulsifiers….The freezing process gives to the cream its last and finishing touch of physiological corruption. Quickly fermenting substances like milk, cream, fruit, etc. break down structurally at the first touch of frost. And, as the arrest of bacterial activities caused by the frost is only temporary while the molecular derangement of the frozen substance remains a permanent menace, it follows that a renewal and increase of the destructive work of the invading microbes immediately takes place when the ice cream reaches its melting point in the stomach….the ice cream, melting in the body, sets free the carcasses of the ice cream and milk cells, to lay them open to the resistless attacks of swarming and festering bacteria – though the evidence of the ghostly carnival of putrefaction escapes the taste by being masked into unrecognizability by the great deceiver – sugar….the putrefactive acids from ice cream indigestion when not eliminated entirely by the liver and kidneys, emerge vicariously through the mucous membranes of the nose and sinuses….the polio virus feeds upon this excretion.”

He goes on to explain a connection between the polio epidemic of the 50s in the U.S. and excess ice cream consumption. He is not the first health care practitioner to name the study where a doctor in Virginia had kids abstain from such sweets. There was practically no outbreak of polio in the VA town. The point was not to conclude that ice cream causes polio per se but that restricting the former predisposes the body to defenses even against something as frightful as polio.

So Tennyson mentioned around his sixth birthday that it would be nice to try some ice cream. Mom had planned on holding out until he was eight or nine. But even she couldn’t say no this time, when the little guy’s been so good about eating differently from other kids. Am not preaching. This is just the path I’ve chosen for my boy until he can exercise discretion. Not to mention that it’s been 100 degrees all summer. This was the coldest food he’s had. Yes, I would warm it in the oven if I could. As it is, I left it out to melt a little.

He asked for it on a cone – next time.


INGREDIENTS: Organic Coconut Milk (Organic Coconut,
Water, Organic Guar Gum), Organic Agave Syrup, Organic Fair
Trade Cocoa (processed with alkali), Organic Vanilla Extract

48 thoughts on “The Boy Who Never Had Ice Cream

  1. Very informative! But permit me to ask you to help me a lil’; Is your counsel that Organic ice-cream should be consumed instead or none should be consumed at all?

    • Hi Glaxforio, since you ask, I answer in order of least detriment:

      1) None at all – or at least every six years (a boy has actually done this, right?). The point is that organic or not, frozen sweets and dairy putrefy (don’t digest properly because they were not meant to be frozen) and cause problems
      2) Where allergy is not an issue, coconut milk, then organic soy (in the States, conventional soy is genetically modified)
      3) Organic dairy (in the States, conventional milk is full of things you wouldn’t take straight)

  2. We’ve all been on the GAPs diet at our house, for the past 12 months. So the only kind of ice cream we’ve had has been made from coconut milk. Really, so much of what we eat as a society is crazy and has nothing to do with nutrition. It’s hard not to despair sometimes, especially when you want to feed your children a healthy diet, while meanwhile advertising and cultural norms conspire to force biological and chemical garbage onto them.

    • So our fellowship deepens. Thanks for opening that window for me! We don’t watch TV. The cultural norms really can make it nearly impossible but he’s been such a good boy. Just knows we’re different, and that’s that. He’s also been enrolled in Integrative Nutrition 101 since birth, so hears day in, day out how to chew, why the greens and the colors on the plate, etc.

  3. what a doll!
    I’m a strict vegan (ethical reasons, but also allergic to casein) so I know how delish Bliss is for those of us who also do not consume a lot of sugar. your info is spot on for I am a good experiment – as in, my last birthday (40) we had a blizzard so the dark chocolate vegan pie with organic coco cookie crust was for me alone, no coworker, no family at my place to share- iced roads. I had so much sugar and Bliss that within 48 hours my immune system crashed – so sick, and I never get sick. anyhoo…good for you, mom! (p.s. – just home from work- hope to read your longer post on reading later!)

  4. This makes me so sad. I love ice cream. I try to ‘eat clean,’ but I definitely cheat a lot. So sad to hear ice cream is that bad for you? I’ve had coconut milk before (SO brand) – it was yummy. Is that better?

    I so appreciate the important info…even though ice cream will never be the same again! Frozen yogurt??

    • Laughing from both your comments, Kate. Please see my responses to glaxforio (first comment that came in). Be sure to chk out the Wonder Years page on the food blog. You’ll see what I mean. As to TJ’s, though I keep that store running, I shop very (vEry) selectively there. You have to. Much of the inventory is actually run-of-the-mill stuff with the wholesome-seeming TJ label. You’re welcome to send me the ingredients on the SO. I couldn’t deconstruct it from memory.

  5. I salute your stand in no candies and sugar stuff for kids. I’m not a fan of candies too but rarely my son gets one because of his mom. I tried his Halloween treats with a dollar toys from Dollar Tree. Have a great week.

  6. Oh Tenny!! I envy you!! That looks amazing and I need to try that brand! Def looks like a good substitute (says the girl who works at a candy store and couldn’t live like this boy has for 6 years for 6 days) I laughed so hard watching his reaction. Get some to share with Carly! 😉

  7. Very informative – I never heard of ice cream posing any danger other than being fattening. You’ve sparked my curiosity to do more research on the matter.

    Tennyson is eating that ice cream at a pace such that if he isn’t careful, he will also experience his very first brain freeze, haha. =)

    • LOL. Well, some things you just gotta learn the hard way, eh? You might want to chk out my responses to Glaxforio – a comment above yours. There’s a lot of info for curious folks, on eating in gen’l.

  8. It nice to see a mother so engaged with her child and their health. I wish my children had never consumed sugar, candy, fast food. They consume a lot less than other children. Way less. But I have waffled over the years, due to my own yo-yo-ing between being a super health nut and giving in to the surrounding pressure (in-laws, husband) As a person with auto-immune issues, I personally cannot eat like most people and really suffer when I do. So, I’m back to making those changes little by little with me and my kids (hopefully, hubby will follow). I am even ambitiously considering sending lunch to school.

    • I am so glad to hear from you and know something of your own story. Giving in was never an issue with me. I know what I know and it is with what I put into his mouth that my boy grows his brain, bones, and organs and gain the vitality to move out into the world. People can think what they will but they’re not the ones who have to care for him if he gets sick down the line, nor do they love him as much as I do. Incidentally, my son is among the healthiest of children, compared to the masses. It is funny — after resigning to the way some moms will think me a freak and judge me, I ended up attracting many parents who have shown me the utmost respect and consult me on their kids’ diet. Hence the food blog I started up and told Glaxforio about (one of the first comments that came in on this post. Please see my responses to him). I’d love to know if you find that site helpful. And that is a wonderful ambition you nurse. I’d love to keep up with your journey. Thank you for the follow. Diana

    • As I mentioned in a comment response on that post, I have done my darnedest not to raise him slapping his hand all the time but educating him in the better way so he can make wise decisions down the road (which yes, he will think a rocky road LOL at times) but interesting, isn’t it: he hasn’t mentioned the ice cream since.

  9. That little boy is so gorgeous 🙂

    I didn’t know a THING about sugar, all its damage. I had zero idea. Very very interesting.

  10. I certainly related to this post. I’m a vegan and on calorie restriction too. All children are different and some will react to a strict nutritional regime by wanting to try other foods at the first opportunity. It was certainly much easier when we were home schooling but now our teenage daughter eats what she wants and it’s not that healthy but also not that unhealthy. I can only hope that as she gets older she will remember what she has learned about good nutrition.

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